15 Reasons You Need Life Insurance Before 40

15 Reasons You Need Life Insurance Before 40
By: Gary Lardy

Is life insurance really necessary in your 30s? After all, you’re young. You’re healthy. You’re going to be around for a long time, right? Diem Brown knew better. Ms. Brown, a former MTV Real World star battled cancer three separate times in her life over an 11-year period, starting at the age of 23. Sadly, she lost her fight this past November, at the age of 34.

You think you have all the time in the world. Until you don’t. That’s why today, we’re going to give you 15 reasons why you should get on board with life insurance before you blow out the candles at your 40th birthday party.

1) Payments from your life insurance policy after you pass on can help your family to recoup any costs that your health insurance didn’t cover.

2) Insurance ensures your funeral costs and personal debt are covered if you were to pass on unexpectedly.

3) No kids of your own? No problem. You can name your favorite charity as a beneficiary and leave the proceeds to them.

4) Life insurance is your chance to leave your loved ones with something to remember you by without having to sock away extra money.

5) Insurance can supplement income for your spouse in the event of your death.

6) Money left to your beneficiaries can double as an extra college fund upon your passing.

7) Unused funds set aside for long-term care will be awarded to your beneficiaries if you don’t need them.

8) Death benefits are not taxed (depending on the policy amount and the state where the deceased person lived).

9) Your rates are cheaper now than if you wait until you turn 40.
10) Since you’re starting earlier, you have more time to increase your coverage as you make more money.

11) Pre-existing conditions are looked upon more favorably (especially when you have the condition under control), because the premise is you’ll live longer when you are proactive in managing you health.

12) You’ll have peace of mind for years to come.

13) You’ll be able to supplement your employer-provided life insurance with your own policy.

14) An affordable way for you to cushion yourself and your family for future financial obligations.

15) The sooner you sign up for life insurance, the less time you have to think about your own mortality.

The unthinkable doesn’t discriminate and can strike any of us at any age and at any time; it’s completely out of our control. However, you can control how well your family is protected in the aftermath.

Do the right thing for yourself and your family, visit our quotes page and start on the road to a brighter future.

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